Talent Attraction

Attracting and retaining new residents

We are committed to helping local employers access the labour force they need to thrive and grow in Wellington County. Our Talent Attraction programme is designed to provide employers with targeted support to help them attract diverse talent, including newcomers and immigrants, and welcome them to their workplaces. 

Funded by Immigration Refugee and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), our Talent Attraction programme compliments the work of the County's Settlement Services team by focusing on employer engagement, newcomer integration into the workforce, understanding immigration pathways and programmes, and facilitating connections with employment service providers. 

An office manager holds onto a resume while speaking with the new employee they are considering.

Our Talent Attraction initiatives include:

  • Raising awareness of employment opportunities in Wellington County to local and regional audiences.
  • Facilitating connections between employment opportunities in Wellington County and qualified postsecondary students. 
  • Working with the County's Settlement Services team to engage employers in embracing diverse talent. 
  • Helping local employers and businesses understand government immigration programme. pathways to meet workforce needs. 
  • Attracting new residents to live and work in Wellington County.

Is your business experiencing workforce challenges? We're happy to help.
Contact us so we can learn more and help you meet your labour force needs.