Child Care Counts

Every day, childhood educators (ECEs) provide Ontario's children with safe, responsive, and caring interactions that build a strong foundation for their development and well-being. Children who participate in high-quality learning environments experience increased verbal communication, reading, math, and science skills, as well as a host of other benefits.

Learn more about the many ways ECEs benefit children, their families, and the growth of our economy in our Licensed Child Care Fact Sheet

The Promise of Investing in Young Children

Optimal brain development requires a stimulating environment, adequate nutrients and social interactions with attentive caregivers. Evidence from multiple disciplines has confirmed that investing in early childhood development is one of the most cost-effective ways to improve educational achievement and to increase skills, capabilities and productivity. Based on this research and an enhanced understanding of the complete well-being of the child, early childhood development is increasingly included as part of the agenda for children's rights. Ensuring the sound cognitive, social and emotional development of young children merits the highest priority in seeking to raise healthy children worldwide.

Get Involved

  • Spread the word about why the early years are so important, and why people should care! Use the hashtag #EarlyYearsMatter on social media to share this message with everyone.
  • Follow @wellingtncounty on Twitter and like the County of Wellington Facebook page to learn more and to stay up to date on the #EarlyYearsMatter campaign. Feel free to tweet us or leave a comment with any questions or thoughts you have!
  • Engage in conversation with friends, family, colleagues, and others to help them understand why they should care about children’s early years, even if they don’t have children.

Explore Early Years Programmes and Services in Wellington County

Adorable baby crawling on coloured floor mat in a child care setting

Find Licensed Child Care

High-quality child care helps teach young children important skills for the job market later in life, such as “collaboration, critical thinking, communication, negotiation, resilience, creativity and motivation”.
Early ON Child and Family Centre logo

Find An EarlyON Centre

EarlyON Child and Family Centres offer safe and welcoming environments to all families with young children where they can make connections, find support and advice, access resources and a network of community supports and specialized services.
Growing Great Generations Logo

Visit Growing Great Generations

Visit Growing Great Generations where you can find information about programmes and resources related to the early years, child development, children with disabilities and special needs, parenting and other community supports.