Become a Home Child Care Provider | Children's Early Years | Social ServicesSkip to main content
Become a Home Child Care Provider
Home Child Care Providers create welcoming environments that invite children to imagine, investigate, create, problem solve and make meaning from their experiences. As each child is competent, curious, capable of complex thinking and rich in potential, this environment ultimately supports children's overall learning, development and well-being.
Wellington Home Child Care is licensed by the Ministry of Education. Our knowledgeable staff have a sound understanding of child development and participate as co-learners with children, families, home child care providers, co-workers and community supports.
A bed, cot or playpen for each child in attendance to rest
Child safety car seats appropriate to the age of the children in care
Early Learning Materials and Supplies:
Paper, scissors, glue, paint, brushes, crayons, pencil crayons and markers for creative activities
Dress-up clothes, dolls, and puppets for pretend play
Cars and trucks
Musical instruments and toys
Board games
Play people, animals, dinosaurs
Balls, skipping ropes, hula hoops, buckets, shovels for outdoor play
Material appropriate for active independent exploration (i.e. buttons, rocks, beads, shells, cardboard boxes, material scraps, ribbons, pinecones, containers to fill and dump, scoops, utensils, etc.)
A police vulnerable sector check for everyone in the home 18 years of age and older.
Child care liability insurance. (Please discuss your insurance needs with your insurance company)
Car liability insurance and a valid driver's license if you are using your vehicle for child care purposes. (Please discuss your insurance needs with your insurance company)
Smoke detectors on each floor of your home as well as a carbon monoxide detector near the sleeping area. Home Child Care Providers are also required to have a fire extinguisher and a First Aid Kit.
Health assessment and immunizations as recommended by the local medical officer of health for everyone in the home, and all children in care.
Current rabies inoculations for all dogs, cats, and ferrets.
Appropriate areas for indoor and outdoor play, sleeping, eating, toileting, and diapering.
A child friendly environment that includes a clean and safety proofed home, child sized furniture and equipment, toys, materials and equipment for children 0 - 13 years of age.
Nutritious snacks and meals in keeping with Canada's Food Guide to Healthy Eating (Health Canada Website).
Adherence to the Smoke-Free Ontario Act (effective May 31, 2006, this act prohibits smoking in "a place where private home day care is provided within the meaning of the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014, whether or not children are present.") (Ontario Ministry of Health Website).
In addition, all Home Child Care Providers are required to issue receipts for payment of services, upon request.
Provider Benefits
As a self-employed independently contracted Home Child Care Provider you will enjoy these benefits:
Work from your home.
Set your own days and hours of work.
Decide which children you will provide child care for.
Be eligible for the Provincial Home Child Care Enhancement Grant.
May be eligible to be paid an enhanced rate of $20/day if you are a RECE.
Receive direct payment from the agency.
Be able to offer competitive rates to your families in receipt of fee subsidy.
Be able to market your services as a contracted Home Child Care Provider.
Be on a public listing of available child care for all families to access.
Be able to participate in Professional Development to enhance your child care skills.
Work with a Registered Early Childhood Educator (RECE) to assist you in providing a high-quality early learning environment.
Have access to service agencies to assist you in providing child care for children with disabilities and /or special needs.
Receive bi-monthly parent and Home Child Care Provider newsletters.
Myths vs. Reality of Joining Wellington Home Child Care
No choice in how to run your programme
Complete autonomy: Select your own hours and children you care for.
Admin tasks take hours
Minimal time needed for admin: All documents are provided, and support is given to complete.
Agency takes money from the Provider
No cost to Providers: Free to be licensed.
Large startup costs
Low startup costs: No large renovations required. (i.e. yard does not need to be fenced)
Unreasonable materials and equipment needs
Funding support: Access to start-up grants for purchasing materials and equipment.
Providers are “policed”
Collaborative approach: Focus on support and mentorship.
Can't live in certain types of housing (apartment, subsidized, etc.)
Flexible housing options: Suitable for many different types of homes.
Subsidy Rates
These are the rates the County of Wellington will pay for children in receipt of fee subsidy. Effective April 1, 2020
In Provider's Home Child Care
Subsidy rates for In Provider's Home Child Care
Type of Care
Infant and Toddler (birth up to 2 years)
Preschool/School Age (2 to 13 years)
Up to 6 hours
Over 6 to 12 hours
Over 12 to 18 hours
Over 18 to 24 hours
Frequently Asked Questions
A Home Child Care Provider should have experience with children (i.e. family, employment, volunteering, child minding).
Only home child care agencies obtain a licence to operate home child care services in the Province of Ontario. Home Child Care Providers are able to be contracted by a licensed agency.
A Home Child Care Provider must have valid standard First Aid and CPR - level C (infant and child) training.
All contracted Home Child Care Providers, and all residents in the home 18 years of age and older, are required to provide a Police Vulnerable Sector check from their local police detachment.
Full fee families pay you directly. The County of Wellington will pay you each month for families that you enrol who are in receipt of fee subsidies.
Wellington Home Child Care Providers are able to care for up to a maximum of six children. This includes all children who are enrolled for child care as well your own children under the age of four. The maximum number of children in your home is determined by Wellington Home Child Care Agency staff.
Your own children count if they are under the age of four years.
The application process to enter into a contract with Wellington Home Child Care may take two to six weeks to complete
Yes, as a self-employed Home Child Care Provider you have control over your enrolment. This also includes what hours and days you are available to provide care.
Professional Development
The Early Years Professional Resource Centre offers training and networking opportunities for Licensed Home Child Care Providers located in the County of Wellington and the City of Guelph.