Become a Home Child Care Provider

Home Child Care Providers create welcoming environments that invite children to imagine, investigate, create, problem solve and make meaning from their experiences. As each child is competent, curious, capable of complex thinking and rich in potential, this environment ultimately supports children's overall learning, development and well-being.

Wellington Home Child Care is licensed by the Ministry of Education. Our knowledgeable staff have a sound understanding of child development and participate as co-learners with children, families, home child care providers, co-workers and community supports.

Child Care provider helping young boy dress up as a super hero
Raising the next generation of superheroes.
Child Care provider helping young boy at table
Child Care provider pushing two kids on swings.

Become a Provider

Start Your Own Licensed Home Child Care Programme in Just 7 Steps!

  1. Contact Wellington Home Child Care at 1.800.265.7294 x 3010 or by email
  2. Home visit will be arranged with Wellington Home Child Care 
  3. Confirm the hours you want to work and the ages of children you want to care for
  4. Provide necessary documents like first aid certificate, insurance and police vulnerable sector check
  5. Apply for enhancement grants for start-up costs
  6. Prepare your home environment with equipment and materials 
  7. Open your programme in just two to six weeks!


Home childcare provider playing with toy eggs with two young children.

Provider Benefits

As a self-employed independently contracted Home Child Care Provider you will enjoy these benefits:

  1. Work from your home.
  2. Set your own days and hours of work.
  3. Decide which children you will provide child care for.
  4. Be eligible for the Provincial Home Child Care Enhancement Grant. 
  5. May be eligible to be paid an enhanced rate of $20/day if you are a RECE.
  6. Receive direct payment from the agency.
  7. Be able to offer competitive rates to your families in receipt of fee subsidy.
  8. Be able to market your services as a contracted Home Child Care Provider.
  9. Be on a public listing of available child care for all families to access.
  10. Be able to participate in Professional Development to enhance your child care skills.
  11. Work with a Registered Early Childhood Educator (RECE) to assist you in providing a high-quality early learning environment.
  12. Have access to service agencies to assist you in providing child care for children with disabilities and /or special needs.
  13. Receive bi-monthly parent and Home Child Care Provider newsletters.

Myths vs. Reality of Joining Wellington Home Child Care 

No choice in how to run your programmeComplete autonomy: Select your own hours and children you care for.
Admin tasks take hoursMinimal time needed for admin: All documents are provided, and support is given to complete.
Agency takes money from the ProviderNo cost to Providers: Free to be licensed.
Large startup costsLow startup costs: No large renovations required. (i.e. yard does not need to be fenced)
Unreasonable materials and equipment needsFunding support: Access to start-up grants for purchasing materials and equipment.
Providers are “policed”Collaborative approach: Focus on support and mentorship.
Can't live in certain types of housing (apartment, subsidized, etc.)Flexible housing options: Suitable for many different types of homes.

Subsidy Rates

These are the rates the County of Wellington will pay for children in receipt of fee subsidy. Effective April 1, 2020

In Provider's Home Child Care

Subsidy rates for In Provider's Home Child Care




Type of Care

Infant and Toddler 
(birth up to 2 years)
Preschool/School Age 
(2 to 13 years)
AUp to 6 hours$31.80$28.95
BOver 6 to 12 hours$46.65$42.45
COver 12 to 18 hours$62.45$56.80
DOver 18 to 24 hours$82.90$75.45

Frequently Asked Questions

Professional Development

The Early Years Professional Resource Centre offers training and networking opportunities for Licensed Home Child Care Providers located in the County of Wellington and the City of Guelph.

College of ECE   ECE Qualification Upgrading Program   

Looking for more? We're happy to help! Contact our Home Child Care Division at 1.800.265.7294 x 3010 or by email