Child Care Fee Subsidy

Child Care Fee Subsidy can help to pay for licensed child care and approved camp and recreation programmes for children up to age 13. Fee Subsidy is available for children attending programmes that have a subsidy agreement with the County of Wellington.


To be eligible for Fee Subsidy you must have a Need for Care and be eligible based on your family income.

Need for Care

  • You are working (full time, part time, self-employed)
  • You are attending school or a training programme
  • You have a medical or family need that can be helped by your child attending child care
  • You have a child with a disability or special need, and child care is recommended by the agencies working with your child

*NOTE: If you are a two-parent family, both of you must have an approved need for care.

Family Income

  • You need your income tax from the most recent tax year to apply for Subsidy. 
  • Your share of the child care cost is based on your income tax Notice of Assessment (line 23600) and/or Canada Child Tax Benefit (family net income).
  • Depending on your family’s income, fee subsidy may be able to help you with all or part of your child care costs.  Your share of the cost remains the same regardless of how much care you use.

Fee Subsidy Calculator

Use this subsidy calculator to estimate what your monthly child care cost would be if you are eligible for help through Child Care Fee Subsidy. Please note that this calculator tool is only a guide and is subject to change during the application process.

Fee Subsidy Calculator

*Enter line 23600 from your most recent Notice of Assessment

Steps to apply for subsidy

  1. Call the child care Subsidy Office for information or to apply. 519.837.3620 x3090 or 1.800.265.7294 x 3090.

  2. Find your child care space - Look for a licensed child care programme, licensed home child care provider or authorized recreation programme who has an agreement for Subsidy through the Child Care Application and Waitlist. Make sure the programme accepts fee subsidy.

  3. Contact the Subsidy Office once you confirm your child care space and start date - You will be asked to send in the documents needed to confirm that you are eligible for Subsidy and to see what your share of the child care costs will be.

  4. A Subsidy Worker will complete your Subsidy Application over the phone - If funding is available, payment for your child's care can begin as soon as your file is complete.

*Note: Interpreters are available to support the application process as needed.