Child with Special Needs in Early Learning Settings

As part of the Special Needs Resourcing mandate, the County of Wellington’s Enhanced Support System provides supports to ensure children with special needs and complex medical conditions are able to fully participate in Child Care programmes and other early learning settings.

The Enhanced Support System is based on the foundation that child care and early learning educators take the lead in meeting the needs of children in their programme and partnering with parents to monitor their child’s development.

Navigating the Enhanced Supports System

Mother assists daughter with special needs with her work on a laptop. Child is wearing headphones.

Resources for Parents and Families

Here4Kids and Here 24/7 are the access points for mental health and developmental services for children and youth in Wellington-Guelph. Both caregivers and children/youth themselves can call in to talk, receive referrals and to connect to other supports.
Young woman receives counsel from her social worker

Enhanced Support System Contacts

The County partners with community service agencies and a variety of Enhanced Support System partners to offer general consultation as educators consider the needs of the child care environment.
A class of mature students sit in class together as they listen attentively to the teacher.

Professional Learning Opportunities (EYPRC)

The Early Years Professional Resource Centre offers professional learning opportunities and tools to support the work of child care and early learning educators throughout the County of Wellington and City of Guelph.

Enhanced Support System - Key Resources