Bounce Back & Thrive!
10-Session Training Programme for Parents (and those in a parenting role) with children under the age of eight.
Bounce Back & Thrive!ᴼᴹ (BBT) is a a 10-session evidence-based resiliency skills training programme for parents (and those in a parenting role) with children under the age of eight. It was designed as an adaptation of Reaching IN...Reaching OUTᴼᴹ (RIRO) Resiliency Skills Training Programme for early learning and care staff and service providers.
Research shows that caring and responsive relationships are central to wellness and wellbeing. Foundational to the 10-week skills training programme is the establishment of strength-based relationships between the trainer and parents, and the offering of compassion and connection. Our training programme offers the connection and support that helps parents to navigate everyday stress and adversity.
From this foundation, BBT helps parents gain self-regulation and thinking skills that increase their capacity to provide caring and responsive relationships and to role model resilience and regulation skills inside of their daily interactions with their children. Then, it shows parents how to directly introduce resiliency skills to their children, and that helps children bounce back and thrive. BBT uses a relationship-based, cognitive-behavioural and social problem-solving approach combined with self-regulation strategies.
BBT is designed to support various learners and weaves knowledge and theory into tangible skills delivered through information exchange, hands-on activities, video clips of parents and children, discussions, and skills practice.
The first six sessions focus on resiliency skills for adults. The last four sessions show parents how to incorporate these skills directly with their children. The two parts can be offered consecutively or with a break in between.