We're committed to the environment and strive to not only meet, but exceed Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) standards for waste facilities.
Our relationship with the MECP is unique in the province: we conduct site tours with MECP staff and hold annual update meetings to ensure the MECP is informed. We also maintain a close partnership to ensure the environmental health of all waste facilities is protected.
Through our Green Strategy, we continue to restore, enhance, and protect the many natural features found at waste facilities. The following photos are just a few examples.
These pictures demonstrate the successes we are proud to share.
Esker (Kettle) pond is visited by wildlife
Canadian geese
Grey Horned Owl
Painted turtle
Pond at Harriston Waste Facility
Snapping turtle laying eggs at Harriston Waste Facility
Red Trillium at Riverstown landfill
Field of trilliums at Riverstown landfill
Wild Turkey
Site Remediation
We assumed responsibility for solid waste management from our member municipalities in 2001, when we established a strategy for the long-term management of all inherited landfill sites. In cooperation with the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP), we took action to undergo remediation over a 10 to 15 year period.
Examples of site remediation required:
In many cases, old waste areas had to be excavated and moved to create MECP required buffer zones
All sites required a final environmental seal or cap (1 metre of clay/fill covered in topsoil) established, proper drainage controls installed, and vegetative cover established
Fencing and monitor wells required
Adjacent property purchases to ensure:
Groundwater impacts from the sites were properly managed
Buffer zones for drainage features
Capping operations and vegetation areas could be maintained
From the beginning, we've taken a 'good neighbour' approach to waste operations. In urban or special areas, where housing is adjacent to the sites, we installed black chain link fence to match the urban setting. Landscaping with sculpted earthworks and trees has been implemented to give the sites a park-like appearance. Grass cutting programmes have been introduced, too.
These sites often link to rivers, creeks and wildlife corridors and provide an excellent opportunity for the County to give back to Nature. Additional plantings of pollinator species with native grasses, shrubs and trees are underway. We are also currently assessing opportunities to improve wildlife habitat.
Our waste facilities are monitored to maintain environmental health and safe conditions. Any potential risks to those conditions are detected and responded to as soon as practical. Staff monitor according to established industry standards and in consultation with the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP), who review the results on an annual basis.
At the closed sites, a visual inspection occurs each season. All site groundwater monitoring wells are checked for a variety of potential chemical traces that could indicate impacts from landfill leachate (liquid residue from decomposing waste).
Surface water samples are taken from storm ponds, local creeks and waterways to look for chemical traces from landfill leachate or suspended solids (soil) from erosion. Staff are checking for any potential surface water impacts flowing overland from the waste areas, or groundwater presenting itself at the surface.
Gas monitoring wells are installed in and around sites to determine if methane (landfill gas produced from waste decomposition) is developing.
As well, air quality is checked for items such as dust or noise created from landfill operations to determine if any unacceptable conditions are developing.
Staff perform litter collection at all active sites on a daily basis. All areas of the site, including portions not accessed by the public, are monitored on a continuous basis to ensure litter is collected.
General site conditions - such as fencing, road quality, landscaping, vegetative health, and safe conditions for customer use - are assessed on a daily basis. Any issues identified are corrected immediately or as soon as practical.