Spring is here and everything at the nurseries are waking up for the new season! Getting the greenhouses ready for growing, seeding hardwoods and conifers, and transplanting and potting up larger trees are just some of the important activities around the nurseries. Oh, and don't forget weeding!
Examples of volunteer tasks include:
Lifting Blocks | In the springtime, all blocks in the greenhouses and outside are lifted off the ground and placed on upside down pots. This is known as "air root pruning". When the blocks are lifted it allows for air to flow under them. This job requires a lot of lifting and bending. |
Standing Potted Stock | Our potted stock has been dormant covered in tarps under the snow. Removing the tarps and standing up the trees in our shade area and out on the lawn is one of the first tasks of the Spring. This job is great for energetic volunteers. |
Seeding | Seeding new trees into blocks is essential every Spring. Hardwoods such as Oak and Walnut are done by hand, while Conifers, because of their much smaller seeds need to be planted using a vacuum seeding machine. This is a great job for a wide range of ages or abilities. |
Moving Blocks | Moving tree blocks is like a game of chess. Moving larger seedlings outside gives them a chance to thrive in a more natural environment, while also making space for newly seeded blocks. This can be slow and heavy work and is best done with a team. |
Weeding | Weeding in the greenhouses begins as soon as temperatures start to warm up in the spring. It is an important ongoing task that can help to round out the day or done when the weather makes outdoor work difficult. This job requires lots of bending and lifting. |
Pushing Trees | Trees are seeded into Styroblocks and grow there for approximately 1 year. Using a push stick, trees are gently pushed out of the cells they are growing in and placed into a crate temporarily until they are transplanted or packaged for planting in the spring. This is an easy task that can be done by volunteers of any age or ability. |
Transplanting | Small trees need to be transplanted so they have room to grow. As seedlings outgrow their smaller growing cells, they are separated in re planted to larger cells for the next season. Transplanting is less physically demanding but requires attention to detail. |
Packaging | Before trees are given out to be planted in the community they are packaged. Using a wooden packaging device, 10 trees are wrapped tightly together in plastic wrap. Trees are then moved into an underground cooler building and stored there over the winter. This is one of the more challenging tasks to complete. |