
We invite you to join our community of over 3,500 annual Green Legacy volunteers! Our team has a variety of opportunities available for all ages and abilities, and we do not require a minimum commitment - your schedule, your terms. 

How to Apply

  1. Review the Types of Green Legacy Volunteer Jobs available and determine your preferred role. 
  2. Fill out the appropriate Volunteer Request Form:
  3. Return your completed Request Form to our Community Outreach Coordinator.

Types of Volunteer Opportunities

The Green Legacy has a variety of volunteer opportunities to suit your interests and abilities. Opportunities are available from Monday - Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m year-round at the Bradford Whitcombe Green Legacy Nursery (Puslinch), and from April to October at the Northern Green Legacy Tree Nursery (Damascus).

Green Legacy staff in green sweater and plaid shirt wrapping seedlings

Tree Nursery Volunteer

The Tree Nursery Volunteer will work with various numbers of volunteers, from students to seniors. Requires criminal reference check.
Orange watering can pouring water on a small newly planted seedling.

Tree Care Volunteer

Helps with propagation, watering, and maintenance of the trees and nursery equipment.
Hands of two different students working to plant trees in blocks.

Tree Nursery Youth/Student Volunteer

For those 13-17 years to help with propagation, watering, and maintenance of the trees and nursery equipment.
Two women planting a tree with a number of other students in the distance planting trees.

Group Volunteer Opportunities

Consider a team-building experience that takes you out of the office and into nature by watering, weeding, seeding and transplanting trees. Opportunities to have lunch in an outdoor pavilion and/or take a guided hike can be requested.
Photographs of different kinds of collected seeds found in Wellington County.

Seed Collector Volunteer

Seed collecting is a self-directed opportunity that requires an advanced knowledge of tree species. If you are interested, we encourage you to sign up to our Seed Collector Newsletter.