- Affordable Rental Housing Development Resource Guide
- Sample Affordable Housing Development Expression of Interest
- 2023 Sample Affordable Rental RFP
Affordable Housing Information Session (2018)
Affordable Housing Workshop Series
In November, the County of Wellington hosted an online Affordable Housing Development Workshop series for housing provider staff, directors and community agencies in the local housing and homelessness sectors. Tim Welch Consulting Inc. facilitated this 5-part series that focused on a detailed approach to key topics in the development of new affordable housing.
For this series, the 5 workshop topics were:
- November 9, 2022: Understanding and defining your goals (including refining goals in context of potential source of government funding), considering who you want to house, what we mean by affordable, searching for land, pros and cons of partnerships, assembling a development team, and implications for existing social housing providers.
- November 16, 2022: Funding and financing – costs of building housing (hard and soft costs), sources of capital funding, various government programs, sources of operating funding, importance of budgets and cash flow, construction financing, mortgage financing, and alternative sources of financing.
- November 23, 2022: Design and construction approaches – role of architect, selecting an architect, engineering sub-consultants, design-build, construction management or full tendering, relationship with contractor, thinking about size and types of units, community and common space, accessibility issues, and cash flow during construction.
- November 30, 2022: Planning approvals including environmental issues, municipal approval process, who moves the project through the municipal approvals process, good relationship with municipal councillors, dealing with Nimbyism, and various environmental approvals processes.
- December 7, 2022: Rent up, property management, and long term operations including understanding multi-residential operating budget, co-ordinating with support service funding or housing allowances, direct staff vs hiring a property management firm, lining up tenants during construction, capital reserves and planning for long term maintenance and operations.
In addition to this training, the County is releasing an updated Affordable Housing Development Guide to serve as a resource tool for organizations that are interested in developing affordable housing.
If you would like copy of slides, contact Shannon by email shannonm@wellington.ca, or phone 519.824.7822, 1.800.663.0750 x 4240.