Transitional & Supportive Housing
What is Transitional Housing with Supports?
Transitional Housing with Supports provides an intermediate step between emergency crisis shelter and permanent housing. Transitional Housing with Supports provides individuals with a safe place to stay temporarily along with a programme of individualized support services such as counselling, job training and placement, community activities, and help with life skills. Facilities are targeted to those in need of structure, support and/or skill building, in order to move from homelessness to housing stability and ultimately prevent a return to homelessness.
For communities like ours, with low vacancy rates and a lack of affordable housing, a dedicated Transitional Housing with Supports project would provide a much needed option to better support individuals in their journey to being permanently housed. The proposed project complements existing Rapid Rehousing and Scattered Sites Supports.
Research demonstrates that without a Transitional Housing with Supports option, individuals waiting for permanent housing can become discouraged and disengage from services; lack housing stability and experience increased emotional distress and worsening physical and/or mental health.