Wellington Road 109 Bridges Project

The Conestogo River is crossed by Wellington Road 109 at four locations.  The bridges at all four crossings are in an advanced state of deterioration, with some elements identified as not meeting current standards.

In 2020, we initiated a Schedule C Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Study to identify and evaluate solutions. The study considered construction staging and traffic delays when improvements are happening; potential impacts on local residences and business activity; and protection of cultural heritage, Indigenous values, and the natural environment.

Rehabilitation work on all four bridges is anticipated to begin late 2024. 


The bridges were constructed between 1930 and 1934 by the Department of Highways Ontario (DHO), now Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO). Wellington County took over ownership of the bridges when this section of the former Highway 9 was downloaded to the County in 1998.

In accordance with Ontario Regulation 472/10 under the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act (Act), these bridges have been inspected every two years under the direction of a professional engineer using the Ministry’s Ontario Structure Inspection Manual (OSIM).

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