The first roundabout in the County was constructed in 2009 in Elora and we've since constructed many more in order to make traffic flow safer for everyone.
How to use a Roundabout
- Slow down when approaching a roundabout.
- Keep right of "splitter island".
- Choose the correct entry lane.
- Observe the crosswalk and yield to pedestrians.
- Wait for a gap in traffic before entering the roundabout, yield to all traffic (including cyclists).
- Do not enter beside someone already in the roundabout because they may be exiting. Drivers in the roundabout have the right-of-way.
- Travel counterclockwise and do not stop as you have the right-of-way over entering traffic.
- Do not pass other vehicles in the roundabout and give large vehicles extra space.
- Signal as you approach your desired exit and slowly exit.
Here’s why you should love roundabouts!
They are safer:
- Lower speeds mean fewer and less severe collisions.
- All cars moving in one direction eliminates T-bones and head-on collisions.
They provide better traffic flow:
- You don’t have to stop at lights or signs, so traffic keeps moving.
- They reduce delays and traffic jams.
They are environmentally friendly:
- Less idling and fuel consumption.
- They usually take up less land.
They don’t have lights:
- No servicing of traffic signal equipment, resulting in long-term cost savings.
- Save on energy costs.
- No concerns during power outages.