Grants & Scholarships

Every year, the County of Wellington supports many deserving individuals and groups, in need of financial assistance to accomplish good work in our community, through our grant programmes.

Community Grants

The County of Wellington offers a series of community grants on an annual basis. Community grants are offered to provide financial assistance for not-for-profit community organizations and events. Grants will be allotted a maximum of $2000.00 per application. All requests over $2000.00 will be considered by the Administration, Finance and Human Resources Committee.

Wellington County Bursary/Scholarship Programme

Each year, the County of Wellington awards $1000.00 to ten successful students who are entering first year of an accredited college or university.

Luella Logan Scholarship/Award

The Luella Logan Scholarship will grant $1500 annually to a young woman pursuing post-secondary studies in political science, public administration, or a related undergraduate or graduate degree at a Canadian college or university. Selection of the recipient will be based on academic excellence and demonstration of leadership and interest in local government.

Black and white portrait of Luella Logan

Annual Luella Logan Award

Presented to a retired female politician who has shown outstanding service in local politics with the County of Wellington, or its member municipalities. Recipients receive a donation of $1500 to allocate to their charity of choice.