Strategic Action Plan
2023 to 2027 Strategic Action Plan
Wellington County in 2023 remains a predominantly rural County, with smaller settlement areas throughout. As of 2022, the County’s population had risen above 100,000 residents, rising by over 10,000 residents since the 2016 Census was taken. The County is home to seven partner municipalities: Township of Centre Wellington; Township of Guelph/Eramosa; Township of Wellington North; Town of Erin; Township of Mapleton; Town of Minto; and Township of Puslinch.
As outlined in the infographics on pages nine through twelve, the Corporation of the County of Wellington provides a range of services throughout the community, providing exemplary service to residents and businesses. Carrying over sentiments from 2019, the County is still seen as an “employer of choice” and takes pride in providing an open and collaborative environment for its staff to grow and flourish. Staff and Council also remain respectful of Wellington County residents and take seriously the obligations they have as public servants devoted to providing the best possible service to their community.
Proudly Moving Forward Together is an update after the completion of the previous 2019-2023 ‘Future Focused. People Invested.’ Plan. The purpose of this document is not to set the County on a completely new path, reinvent the work the County is doing, make drastic changes to the strategic direction of the County, nor just rubber-stamp the continuation of previous themes and actions. Instead, this Strategic Plan seeks to review what is similar to 2019 in Wellington County, what has changed, and how the Corporation can adapt and improve within the confines of the new reality it finds itself. With new social, cultural, and labour dynamics facing the Corporation, opportunities abound, but challenges also exist. This plan seeks to offer strategic directions aimed at helping Wellington County navigate these new circumstances while ensuring the County continues to thrive through this term of Council.