Tourism Signage

To create a unified look and feel across Wellington County, and to distinguish us from our neighbours, we've had an ongoing tourism signage programme since 2015. Gateway signage, directional tourism signage, and community destination signs are located throughout the County. 

Tourism signs can be purchased for $250 + HST per sign, per year
*Applicants paying a lump sum over a 3-year period will receive a 10% discount. 

Blade Signs

Wellington County blade signs mounted at the side of the road, listing local businesses and distance to them

The County uses blade signs strategically located along main County roads to highlight local tourism businesses. These large panel signs are meant to direct travellers heading towards an attraction, typically no closer than 1km and no farther than 30km away from the destination. There is room for a maximum of four blades on each sign. 

Tourism Signage Application

We're excited to work with you! Please review the application criteria outlined in the Tourism Signage Policy below before submitting your application. Printable applications are available on request

Apply online  

Tourism Signage Policy