Climate Change & Sustainability
Wellington County is dedicated to integrating climate change into our decision-making to better serve our communities and ecosystems.
We currently produce around 1.2 million tonnes of CO2e of greenhouse gases from transportation, buildings, agriculture, and solid waste annually. We're taking meaningful action to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and prepare for a future climate.
Green House Gas (GHG) Reduction
Climate change mitigation is how we're taking action to reduce the GHGs we release into the atmosphere.
Preparing for Future Climate
Climate change adaptation is how we're adjusting processes, systems and behaviours to prepare for the current and future impacts of climate change.
What We're Doing
A climate change mitigation plan for the County of Wellington
Climate Change Division Annunal Report
2023 highlights from the Climate Change Division
An update to the initial 5-year plan, developed to support, focus, communicate and celebrate the County’s energy conservation efforts
Take Action
Helping residents retrofit their homes for comfort, health, and greenhouse gas emissions reduction.
Check out a Home Energy Tool Kit from your local Wellington County Library.
Community-focused planning measures for developers and builders to create thoughtful and innovative developments using sustainable design.
Are you a low-income resident looking for more savings for your home? Contact the Energy Coach!
We are making it easier for people to switch to electric.
Connecting communities to foster a healthy and more sustainable Wellington County.
Keep an eye for this symbol throughout our site for a look at various topics through a Climate Change Lens.