Road Concerns

Have you noticed potholes, damaged signs, drainage problems, or other maintenance needs on County roads? Use this form to report any road issues on County of Wellington maintained roadways. Your input helps us address these issues promptly and maintain safe, reliable roads for our communities.

Please note the following before proceeding with reporting a road issue:

  • You will not receive a direct response unless we require clarification regarding your report.
  • Speed concerns can be submitted through our Speed Concern Online Form.
  • Reports will be reviewed during business hours.
  • Only issues on Wellington County maintained roadways will be considered. You can view a map of the roads maintained by Wellington County.
  • For a road issue on a local township/town road, please contact the respective municipality.
  • For a road issue on a Provincial Highway, please contact the Ministry of Transportation at 1.800.265.6072.
A roller flattens recent road work.
Select the type of road issue you wish to report

Privacy Notice
All verbal and written comments and information received are being collect under the authority of the “Municipal Act” in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA). Personal information such as name, address, telephone number, and property location that may be included in a submission becomes part of the public record. Questions regarding the collection of this information should be directed to the County Clerk at 519.837.2600 x2528