Child Care Locations & Waitlist

Wellington-Guelph Child Care Application & Waitlist

As of April 2024, the majority of licensed child care programmes within Wellington County and the City of Guelph have started using a centralized child care waitlist.

The Wellington-Guelph Child Care Application and Waitlist is where you can find and apply for licensed child care and authorized recreation programmes in the County of Wellington and the City of Guelph. Programmes continue to maintain control over their own waitlist(s) and waitlist policies.

Wellington-Guelph Child Care Application & Waitlist 

What types of child care are available?

Throughout Wellington and Guelph there are variety of licensed child care and early learning programmes available, each providing safe and unique environments that are designed to meet your child's needs as they grow. Learn more about the types of care below: 

Licensed Child Care Centres

Child care programmes are licensed by the Ministry of Education to ensure they meet specific provincial standards for the health, safety and developmental needs of children. They may provide care for infant, toddler, preschool and school-aged children.

Licensed Home Child Care

Age Range: birth to age 13
Child care provided in the home of a child care provider that has an agreement with a licensed agency. Providers are supported by Registered Early Childhood Educators who meet Ministry of Education requirements to oversee your child's care.

Authorized Recreation Programmes & Camps

Authorized recreational programmes are not licensed but are defined under the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014 and may provide another option for before or after school, summer care, and non-instructional school days.