Police Services

Sign up for the Wellington County OPP e-newsletter

Are you interested in receiving local OPP news?

Sign up for the Wellington County OPP Detachment Board e-Newsletter.
Inspector Steve Thomas

Message from Wellington County Detachment Commander 

The Wellington County OPP is privileged to serve this community in conjunction with our many community partners and with the support of the Wellington County OPP Detachment Board and County Council. 

Please take a moment to look through this section where you will find information about the services we offer and the important work we do daily within the community.  The Wellington County OPP is committed to the values of community policing. We strive to keep our communities safe and vibrant through crime prevention strategies, law enforcement and continuous collaboration with County residents and community partners.  The Wellington County OPP will continue to serve the inclusive and diverse communities of Wellington County by building relationships, delivering policing excellence and providing assistance to those who need our help.  

 - Inspector Steve Thomas Wellington County OPP Detachment Commander. 

Meet Your O.P.P. Team

Crime Prevention Programmes

Volunteer Opportunities

Group of youth having a discussion circle

Join the Youth Advisory Committee

The Youth Advisory Committee is a youth-led committee with the purpose is to give youth a voice in the community and to create an impact on issues such as youth crime, victimization, cyberbullying and online safety. (ages 14-20)
Pile of OPP black brimmed hats

Volunteer with the Auxiliary Unit

The Ontario Provincial Police auxiliary programme is the largest police volunteer programme in North America. The County's OPP Auxiliary Unit has 20 volunteer officers who assist regular officers at major events and on patrol.