Code of Conduct

The County of Wellington adopted the Council Code of Conduct (Code) for Members of Council on January, 2019. The Council Code of Conduct ensures Members of Council share a common basis and understanding for acceptable conduct.

Integrity Commissioner

The Integrity Commissioner supports the County’s ethical framework by providing advice and education on the Code of Conduct and related policies, procedures, protocols and rules relating to the ethical conduct of Members of Council. The Integrity Commissioner also provides advice and education on matters related to the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act.

The Integrity Commissioner for Wellington County is Guy Giorno.

Where it is in the public interest to do so, the Integrity Commissioner will conduct inquiries in response to a complaint regarding whether a Member has contravened the Code of Conduct, County policies, procedures, protocols and rules relating to their ethical conduct, or section 5, 5.1, or 5.2 of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act.

Contact Information:

Administrative Office: 2400-333 Bay Street, Toronto ON M5H 2T6
Phone: 416.865.5164 , toll free 1.800.268.8424x 45164 

Complaint Procedure

Members of the public are encouraged to voice your concerns directly with the relevant Councillor if you are comfortable in doing so. If you do not want to contact the Councillor or are not satisfied with the response, and you want to lodge a complaint, you may do so through the Integrity Commissioner. Requests may be made to the Integrity Commissioner by Council, a member of Council or a member of the public about whether a member of Council has contravened the Code of Conduct.

Closed Meeting Investigator

As of January 1, 2021, the County appointed the Ontario Ombudsman as a Municipal Closed Meeting Investigator and has authorized them to conduct investigations upon receipt of a complaint in respect of meetings or part of meetings that are closed to the public to determine compliance with the Act or the Municipal procedure by-law and to report on the results of such investigations. Please see their website on how to file a complaint

Policy Statement

The County of Wellington is committed to ensuring that any request for an investigation under Section 239 of the Municipal Act, 2001 as amended (the Act) is dealt with in a fair, open and expeditious manner.

The municipality commits to full co-operation including the provision of all information requested by the Municipal Closed Meeting Investigator (Investigator), either written or through interviews, to assist the Municipal Investigator in his investigations.

The municipality commits to including any report received from the Investigator related to an investigation under the Act, on a public agenda and to considering such report in an open public session of Council or a Standing Committee of Council.

This policy applies to all appointed Boards and sub-committees of the municipality with the exception of the Police Services Board and the Public Library Board.

Wellington County Closed Meeting Investigations Policy