Official Plan Review

NEW Urban Boundary Expansion Review

The County and member municipalities are currently in the process of reviewing urban boundary expansion requests that were submitted by our deadline for municipalities that were determined to have a need for more land through our Land Needs Assessment (LNA). The County’s urban boundary expansion review process is detailed in Planning Committee Report PD2024-08 County Official Plan Review - Urban Boundary Expansion Review and PD2024-08 Urban Boundary Expansion Review Framework. We anticipate the technical reviews needed to complete the evaluations will take several months. Once the reviews are complete, planning staff will be able to share more information about the County’s process and timing for moving forward. This information will be made available through our PlanWell email subscriber’s list, and updates to the Official Plan Review webpage. 

We will regularly update this page throughout the Official Plan Review process. If you would like to receive updates, join our mailing list by sending a request to our email

Official Plan Review

Over the next 30 years, Wellington County is expected to grow to approximately 160,000 people and 70,000 jobs. The County is reviewing and updating Official Plan policies to prepare for this added growth and to ensure that the Plan is supporting healthy, compact and complete communities. The County is doing so through a process called a Municipal Comprehensive Review and also as part of a 5-year review.

Planning Committee Reports