Wellington Place Concept Plan

In June 2010, the County retained planning consultants (MHBC) to develop a Wellington Place Concept Plan and report on an official plan amendment for the long term development of the Wellington Place grounds. 

In addition to these County owned lands in Aboyne, the project area also includes adjacent property owned by Groves Memorial Hospital set aside for a new hospital. A Subwatershed Study and other site-specific studies (e.g. Archaeological Assessments, Agricultural Impact Assessment, Site Servicing Review, etc.) have informed the consultant's work on the concept plan. We have obtained public input in the form of two open houses (held in October 2010 and May 2011) and a workshop with local community groups (November 2010). MHBC has completed an Addendum Report outlining the results of the latest public consultation, together with their recommendations for the concept plan.

The consultants completed the report and concept plan (dated April 18, 2011) which have been presented and made available to the public, Centre Wellington Council and County of Wellington Council. The County Official Plan has also been amended to implement the preferred concept plan by establishing land use policies for the property.

Wellington Place Concept Plan Report

Wellington Place Concept Plan Addendum Report