To apply, complete a rent-geared-to-income application by clicking the link below. In the application be sure to specify Rent Supplement.
This programme allows individuals and families to receive a geared-to-income rent supplement for a unit in the private market.
Rent supplement units are filled by applicants on our Centralized Waiting List. The household pays their rent-geared-to- income rent amount directly to the landlord and the County pays the rest of the rent to the landlord.
The County of Wellington’s Housing Allowance Programme (HAP) is designed to help address rental affordability for households across the service area of Wellington and Guelph. HAP is made possible through funding from the County of Wellington, as Consolidated Municipal Service Manager (CMSM).
The County of Wellington’s Community Agency Delivery (CAD) programme is a housing first rent support programme designed to help address chronic and episodic homelessness in our community by integrating wrap around client supportive services through partnerships with community agencies. The CAD programme is made possible through funding from the County of Wellington, as Consolidated Municipal Service Manager (CMSM).
CAD uses the expertise of local community organizations to identify clients in need of safe and stable affordable housing. These community agencies are given the ability to select individuals, conduct client intake, provide unit search assistance, assist with client paperwork and take a lead role in tenant/landlord relations support for a specific number of rent support units as identified by the County.
Funding through the CAD programme is only available to cover partial rent costs and will only be provided as long as the tenant is receiving support from the community agency. The community agency is required to maintain ongoing support for the tenants within the scope of their supportive service structure.
The County of Wellington’s Community Agency Supported Unit (CASU) programme is a rent support programme designed to help address the lack of supportive/supported housing in our community by integrating wrap around client supportive services through partnerships with community agencies. The CASU programme is made possible through funding from the County of Wellington, as Consolidated Municipal Service Manager (CMSM).
CASU uses the expertise of local community organizations to identify clients in need of safe and stable affordable housing. These community agencies are given the ability to select individuals, conduct client intake, and assist with client paperwork for a specific number of rent support units as identified by the County.
Funding through the CASU programme is only available to cover partial rent costs and will only be provided as long as the tenant is receiving support from the community agency. The community agency is required to maintain ongoing support for the tenants within the scope of their support service structure.
This programme is a monthly subsidy provided to low-income households to assist with housing costs. This is tied to the household and can be used to help pay rent anywhere in Ontario. The COHB pays the difference between 30 per cent of the household’s income and the average market rent in the area. For recipients of social assistance, the COHB will pay the difference between the shelter allowance and the household’s rent and utilities costs. The programme is administered by the Province of Ontario and the benefit amount will be reviewed every year.
This programme is funded by the Ministry of Health and is designed to provide support for people with complex addiction and concurrent mental health needs who are homeless, at risk of becoming homeless, or who are considered inadequately housed. Stonehenge Therapeutic Community, in partnership with The Canadian Mental Health Association – Waterloo Wellington, provides the support services and housing units in the Guelph-Wellington region.