Wellington County, Ont.- At today’s Council meeting, Wellington County Council adopted its 2025 budget with a 3.9% increase to the County portion of property taxes.
“As the impacts of inflation and rising costs continue to affect everyone, the County strives to balance affordability with the service needs of our growing community,” said Warden Chris White. “The County has continued its approach of phasing in the rising costs of services through prudent long-term planning and financing.”
Highlights of the 2025 Budget include:
- $44.3 million in roads capital infrastructure and public works facilities including the construction of the new public works garage in Erin in 2025/26 and funding for the reconstruction of four bridges on Wellington Road 109 in Arthur over the next two years.
- Facility upgrades at the Elora Transfer Station, providing similar infrastructure, working conditions and patron experience to the other four County waste facilities.
- $9.7 million in capital repairs and enhancements within its social and affordable housing units.
- Funding for land acquisition for new Ambulance Station facilities to be located in the County
- Enhanced direct care hours at the Wellington Terrace Long Term Care Home, supported by the Government of Ontario.
- Significant investment by the Government of Canada into Children’s Early Years as a step towards more affordable child care for parents.
- Funding towards Ride Well Rural Transportation, the County’s on-demand ride sharing service as supported by Government of Ontario Gas Tax funding.
- Adoption of a Diversion Centre model for waste facilities to divert more materials at the sites.
- Implementation of the Home Energy Efficiency (HEET) Programme to provide low-cost loans to support residential energy efficiency projects.
“While being cognizant of the tax impact on County residents, the 2025 budget attempts to strike a careful balance between continuing to provide the necessary resources to deliver services and programming, and maintaining and improving the County’s critical infrastructure,” commented Earl Campbell, Administration, Finance and Human Resources Committee.
The County has a responsible and sustainable financial plan which helps ensure that it maintains its AAA credit rating.
Media Contact:
Ken DeHart, County Treasurer
519.837.2600 x 2920