Farm Gate Etiquette

farm gate sign that says fresh berries

Visiting a local farm can be both educational and exciting

There are a few things you should know before heading out. Below are some basic guidelines to keep everyone safe and make it a positive experience:

kids feeding a cow through a fence on a farm
  1. You are visiting a working farm - be safe.
  2. Farms are homes. Please respect their privacy.
  3. Only visit designated areas and keep an eye on your children.
  4. Leave your pets at home - many farms do not allow pets on their property.
  5. Take care when interacting with farm animals - they are domesticated, not tamed.
  6. Always wash your hands after touching an animal.
  7. Follow rules and adhere to signage (keep closed gates closed and opened gates open).
  8. Park in designated areas.
  9. Leave no trace - dispose of waste properly (no littering) or take it with you and dispose/recycle appropriately.
  10. No Sunday Sales signs - please do not disturb this family on a Sunday.
  11. To avoid disappointment, call ahead for availability and hours.

Most of all, be sure to have fun on your adventure in the country!

Discover local farms here

donkey pasture