Wellington Terrace Donations

Wellington Terrace Long Term Care Home logo with scripted text and two floral illustrations

Donation Pledge Card

Donations made to Wellington Terrace Long Term Care Home are used to improve the quality of life for the residents who live in our home.

Please provide the following details to make your donation.

All donations are in CDN (Canadian) dollars.

I would like to make a donation to the Wellington Terrace.

Contact and Address Information for Tax Receipt Purposes

Please confirm you would like to receive a tax receipt for your donation

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Personal information (PI) is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001. All personal information created, held or collected by the County of Wellington is protected in accordance with Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 1990 (MFIPPA). For questions related to this collection of personal information, contact the Manager of Privacy and Information, County of Wellington, Office of the CAO, T 519.837.2600 x2528.