Judy and Bart Llamido | Executive Director at Long Term Care Home, DZ Truck Driver, Minto

Portrait of JudyBart

Meet with Judy and Bart, residents and champions of the Filipino community in Palmerston, Town of Minto, Wellington County. The couple was born and raised in the Philippines. In 2010, Judy and Bart made the decision to move to Canada along with their two young children for a better life. They immediately settled in Palmerston, knowing the town would be a great place to raise a family.

Before moving to Canada, Judy was a Registered Nurse in the Philippines while Bart was an Operating Room Technician. Judy and Bart wanted to continue pursuing their passion in their fields. Though they faced a number of challenges in making this happen, Judy and Bart did not let it phase them. Bart started his career in Canada as a Student at a local long-term care while studying his Personal Support Worker credentials.

A few years in, Bart came across a local newspaper calling for community members to join the volunteer firefighter unit. Wanting to give back to the community that had warmly embraced him and his family, Bart took up this opportunity. He’s proud to have been a firefighter for five years. Bart didn’t stop there, going on to get his DZ license, becoming a truck driver for waste management in the region. He has dedicated his time to giving back to the local community in whatever way he can, becoming a respected community member of Palmerston.

Judy continued to pursue her passion in healthcare, getting her Registered Practical Nurse designation before going on to become a Registered Nurse. With hard work, dedication and continuing education, Judy become the Director of Care and then Executive Director of a long-term care home. Working in a care home is no easy task, but Judy took on her role with a caring, compassionate, and generous mindset, becoming a valued member in the lives of many in the local community.

“The peaceful, quite environment is something we look forward to after a long workday.”

The Llamido’s have enjoyed living in Palmerston since landing in Canada and appreciate the community that accepted them and has always been kind to them. The peaceful, quite environment the town offers is something they look forward to after a demanding workday. Their family welcomed their third child in Palmerston a few years ago. As a family, they enjoy walking across the streets, participating in sports at their local park. Bart also plays in a local Filipino Bastkeball League. All in all, Judy and Bart feel truly at home in this bustling down-to-earth community. They are proud to call the community of Palmerston home.

Potrait of Judy and Bart and a world map with a pin on their home country