Wellington County, Ont. - The County of Wellington is excited to reveal a newly redesigned website which features a greatly enhanced user experience and navigation, quality content, and streamlined services.
Wellington.ca is the information hub for County services, programmes, news, events, and more. Each month, the site receives approximately 60,625 visitors and 170,000 page views.
“Residents and visitors count on our website to access information,” said Rachel Wilson, Wellington County’s Manager of Privacy and Information. “There have been considerable changes in technology since 2017, when the site was last redesigned. This year, we’ve updated the site to enhance how we service the public so that we can continue to offer an optimal online experience.”
Features of the new site include:
- A modernized, efficient design that’s user-friendly, clean, and makes it easier to navigate and find information
- Enhanced accessibility features to provide barrier-free access to our digital public service experience
- Streamlined online services available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week
- Specific mobile-friendly design so users get great performance on all devices, including smaller screens
- Completely refreshed content that provides accurate and up-to-date information
- A new, user-requested events calendar
To inform the new site’s functionality and content, project leads consulted with the public, staff across the organization, available data, and best practices from other municipalities. A public survey was available during September and October of 2023.
“When we consulted with the public, we heard from a lot of website visitors that they were looking for information about community events. The redesigned site includes a new events calendar and a featured events section on the homepage,” added Wilson.
Wellington.ca’s redesign officially launched in June and has been optimized over the past three months. Feedback on the new site is welcome at wellington.ca/form/website-feedback.
Media Contact:
Rachel Wilson, Manager of Privacy and Information, T 519.837.2600 x 2528, E rachelw@wellington.ca