Wellington County, Ont.- In 2025, the County of Wellington is implementing a one-year Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE) Pilot Programme in designated school and Community Safety Zones (CSZ) to curb speeding, alter driver behaviour, and increase safety for the community. The ASE cameras will be used alongside other traffic control measures that focus on education and enforcement.
To help increase the safety of vulnerable road users in CSZs, the County plans to activate its ASE cameras in 2025. In order to so, “Camera Coming Soon” signage need to be installed at least 90 days prior to the activation of the cameras to ensure residents, commuters and visitors have sufficient notice before the programme begins. These 90-day warning signs are currently being installed at seven locations on County roads. “Camera In Use” signs will warn motorists when cameras are active.
“The goal is to educate and provide sufficient warning to all drivers that ASE cameras are in use, while provide ample warning through onsite signage, public education, and a phased in camera activation approach,” said Warden Andy Lennox. “ASE has been proven to slow down traffic and managing speed improves traffic safety for the community.”
CSZs were identified based on criteria developed during the County’s Road Master Action Plan (Road MAP) study. The seven trial ASE locations were selected based on current traffic data and provide one trial location in each municipality.
“Speed limits are not guidelines – they are the law,” commented Gregg Davidson, County Roads Committee Chair. The 2025 ASE Pilot Programme will be a reminder we all need to slow down to keep our communities safe. The only way to avoid an ASE ticket will be by driving the speed limit.”
The initial seven Community Safety Zones locations for the ASE Pilot Programme include:
Municipality | County Road | From: | To: |
Wellington North | Wellington Road 6 (Sligo Road E) | a point 50 metres west of Church Street North | a point 125 metres west of London Road North |
Mapleton | Wellington Road 11 (Wellington Street S) | the intersection with Andrews Drive | the intersection with Spring Street |
Centre Wellington | Wellington Road 18 (Belsyde Avenue E) | the intersection with Highway 6 (Tower Street S) | the intersection with McTavish Street |
Erin | Wellington Road 24 (Trafalgar Road) | the intersection with Church Street | a point 75 metres north of Jane Street |
Puslinch | Wellington Road 46 (Brock Road S) | a point 225 metres north of Old Brock Road | a point 300 metres south of Old Brock Road |
Minto | Wellington Road 123 (Main Street) | the intersection with Henry Street | the intersection with York Street |
Guelph Eramosa | Wellington Rd 27 (Main St N) | 30 m West of Rockmosa Dr | 20 m West of Edgar Bonner Ave |
If a vehicle is detected to be travelling more than the posted speed limit in an ASE-enforced location, the registered owner of the vehicle will receive a ticket. For more information about the 2025 ASE Pilot Programme including the seven trial locations, visit: www.wellington.ca/ase.
Media Contact:
Don Kudo, County Engineer
T 519.837.2600 X 2280
Email donk@wellington.ca