Wellington County, Ont. – Beginning January 1, 2025, a new $10.00 minimum user fee will be implemented at each of the County’s six waste facility sites.
The minimum fee is intended to encourage residents to use the County’s existing curbside collection programme which is provided to every single-family household across the County.
The minimum fee will apply to all materials brought to County waste facilities, including waste contained in yellow user pay garbage bags, with several exemptions. Materials designated by the Government of Ontario, under the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act (RRCEA), will be exempt from the minimum fee.
The following items are currently designated under the RRCEA and financially supported by producers:
- Household Hazardous Waste
- Tires
- Electronic waste
In addition to the above items, residential leaf and yard waste delivered to County waste facilities from April through November will also be exempt from the minimum fee.
For more information, visit www.wellington.ca/waste-facilities.
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Media Contact:
Das Soligo
Manager of Solid Waste Services, County of Wellington
T: 519.837.2601 x2400
Email: dass@wellington.ca