Home deliveries of User Pay garbage bags will be made by County staff free of charge. *Please allow up to nine (9) business days for your order to be delivered.
Access the list of current distributors.
Once your order is complete, you will receive a receipt to your email address. Please be careful entering your email address. If you do not receive a receipt by email within 10 minutes of completing the payment process, please reach out at SWS staff or by calling 519.837.2601 to verify the order was completed.
Your order will be delivered to the address below. *Please allow up to nine (9) business days for your order to be delivered.
Garbage bags are sold by the package (10 bags per package). Please indicate how many packages of garbage bags you would like to order below.
Product Information*
*Please note: No HST is applied to the User Pay Garbage Bags.
Privacy Notice
Personal information (PI) is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001. All personal information created, held or collected by the County of Wellington is protected in accordance with Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 1990 (MFIPPA). For questions related to this collection of personal information, contact the Manager of Privacy and Information, County of Wellington, Office of the CAO, T 519.837.2600 x2528.